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Independent Study

It is recognized that a missed day of instruction cannot be duplicated.  Moreover, with instructors diligently preparing students for the highly interactive Core Curriculum State Standards, it is imperative all students consistently attend school.  Throughout the year, vacation days are provided for all students and their families. With that said, if an unavoidable occasion should arise wherein a student must miss a minimum of 1 day and up to a maximum of 15 consecutive instructional school days, the student may request an ISC.
To request an ISC, please notify the attendance office by email or phone - You may email Mrs. Huskey at or call the office at 366-9607; The request for an independent study contract must be completed and submitted within a reasonable amount of time  so that the request can be reviewed, and if approved Parent or Guardian must come to the office to sign the contract. Class assignments will be organized and given to the student the day prior to the first absence. This process helps students to keep up with school work, but there is no substitute for teacher instruction and class interaction.