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Ms. Sarah Bordelon 

Serving Students with Last Names: A - K
Days: Mon - Fri
Time: 8:00AM - 3:30PM


Ms. Rebecca Wu 

Serving Students with Last Names: L - Z
Days: Mon - Fri
Time: 8:00AM - 3:30PM

If you are concerned about a student and would like to refer them for counseling services, please click on the button above to complete the referral form.

A hallmark of the Second Step Middle School Program is its stand-out media component. Seventy videos woven throughout the program bring lessons to life, maintaining a standard of excellence recently honored with the 2018 CINE Golden Eagle Award for Children’s Programming. Learn more here.

Counselor's Corner



This is Sarah Bordelon and Rebecca Wu and we are the school counselors at BAMS! We are absolutely thrilled to be here and excited to walk alongside our students and families through this crazy thing called life. 
Our role is to help support the needs of our students and families during these ever-changing times. We believe in creating an environment that fosters developmentally appropriate practices to help each student reach social, emotional, and academic competencies. We value inclusion, resiliency, and individual self-confidence, allowing each student the exploration to grow into confident and mature citizens.
Bernice Ayer Mission Statement
It is the mission of Bernice Ayer Middle School counseling program to promote the complete well-being and success of our students through a commitment to their social, academic, physical, and emotional health.
Our priority is to provide a safe, supportive and genuinely caring environment that meets the unique needs of every student.  We strive to establish an acceptable setting where students feel understood through an emphasis on multicultural understanding.  We will encourage parents to feel connected through guidance that best meet the needs of their children.

Our Beliefs 

We believe that the role of the school counselor is to work in unison with parents, teachers, staff, and community partners to meet the varying needs of all students.
bams wavebams wave
BAMS School Counseling

BAMS School Counseling

Mission Statement

The mission of Capistrano Unified School District School Counselors is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that supports the whole child. School Counselors will focus on the needs, interests, and issues related to social-emotional, academic, and college/career development of all students through a multi-tiered system of support. School Counselors will advocate, collaborate and facilitate actions that promote a positive school climate, provide an opportunity for all students to access their education and achieve personal and academic success to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Vision Statement

The School Counseling Program strives to provide opportunities so that every student will acquire the social-emotional, academic, and career skills to reach their fullest educational potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.


  • All students have the right to be heard and treated with respect.
  • All students should have equitable access to a credentialed, master's-degree-level school counselor who will be an advocate for their needs. 
  • All students have individual strengths and thrive when their strengths are recognized.
  • All students are unique and have the ability to succeed to their fullest potential and become productive citizens when given a safe, nurturing environment.
  • All counseling interventions and supports are data driven and evidence based to ensure efficacy in the school counseling program.
  • School Counselors will gather and analyze data and collaborate with students, parents, and school staff to design, implement, and continuously improve a school counseling program that aligns with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model.
  • School Counselors abide by the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors to make informed decisions based on the highest moral principles.

School Counselor Role

School Counselor Role

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