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Incoming 6th Grade 2025-2026

Incoming 6th Grade Information 2025/2026

Incoming 6th Grade Information 2025/2026

Click the links below for information regarding elective and further down this page see important dates and BAMS newsletter.  

Students choices for Electives are:

NON-Dual Immersion students:

Band, Orchestra or the Exploratory Wheel *This is a sampling of courses the rotates quarterly or by semester and is determined based on staffing.  ex. drama, technology, art

Dual Immersion students

Your elective is Spanish.  You may be considered for a 2nd elective of either band or orchestra ONLY.  No exploratory wheel.


English elective letter

Spanish elective letter

English Graphic Elective flyer

Spanish Graphic Elective flyer

Elective Selection Survey - Submission Date extended

If you were unable to attend the English/Spanish Parent Night, you can review the slide show 


English Newsletter

Spanish Newsletter

Dates to Remember - English  

Dates to Remember - Spanish

The information below is for incoming 6th grade families for Fall 2025.  An informational packet will be sent home with your student in February if your student is within the Bernice Ayer boundaries or your student attends Las Palmas Elementary.
If you do not receive a packet or you are considering BAMS for School of Choice, you can click on the links below and print or view the information. The School of Choice window opens the First week of February, date will be posted.
6th Grade Elective Information
The Elective Selection window will open February 24 and close on March 7, 2025.  
*Please go over the instructions, prior to completing the Elective Selection Form with your child.  The form will only allow one submission. 

Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night in English

When:  Wednesday, February 12 at 6:00 pm
Where:  Bernice Ayer Middle School

Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night in Spanish

When:   Friday, February 7 at 6:00 pm
Where:  Las Palmas Middle School
Para cambiar esta página a español, hacer clic en la tecla de “Translate” en la parte posterior de la pantalla al lado derecho.
Formulario de Selección Electiva - Español - ACTUALIZACIÓN -TBD
*If you have more than one 6th grade student (twins etc.), make sure you use each student's capousd email address, otherwise you will only be able to enter a selection for one student.
If you need assistance, please contact Mrs. Broadhead at